Fitness Matters
Expert answers to your
health and wellness questions
By Kelsey
Question: It seems that more and more people are
taking fish oil these days. Is this something you recommend?
Answer: You’re absolutely right—fish oil is becoming very popular,
and for good reason. There are a number of health benefits associated with this
supplement and, if experts had to choose between fish oil supplementation and a
daily multivitamin/ mineral, more and more would probably steer you toward fish
oil. First of all, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are generally considered
anti-inflammatory, while omega-6 fatty acids are considered pro-inflammatory.
Unfortunately, traditional western diets are much higher in omega-6’s compared
to omega-3’s, so trying to incorporate more omega-3’s into your diet is just
good common sense. In addition, omega-3’s have been shown to lower
triglycerides levels, reduce heart attack and stroke risk, slow the build-up of
artery plagues, and slightly lower blood pressure. And if that’s not enough,
they have also been studied extensively for their neuroprotective effects
related to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and depression. If you decide to
supplement with fish oil, typical dosages start at 1,000mg of EPA and DHA (the
two prominent fatty acids) per day. It’s also a good idea to incorporate at
least two servings of low-mercury, fatty fish per week.
Question: With the weather getting colder (in certain
areas) and flu season almost upon us, can you provide a little refresher on
working out when you’re sick?
Answer: Everyone seems to have a different opinion on this, but
here’s the scoop. You often hear people say that working out is fine if it’s
just a head cold—stuffy nose, coughing, and other stuff that you don’t like,
but can deal with. This is generally true, but if you have a fever, body aches,
or other more serious symptoms, you should leave the exercising to the rest of
us. This philosophy is actually pretty sound, but consider these issues as
well. When I’m working out, I don’t really want people that are sneezing and
coughing around me—and I would guess you don’t either. Plus, I like to workout
with intensity, and I put a premium on the quality
of my exercise. Therefore, I would rather rest up for a day or two, even if I
just have a head cold. Then, when I get back to exercising, I can pick-up right
where I left off. Ultimately, the decision is in your hands, so do what’s best
for you!
Question: I have several friends that follow some of
the popular workouts that you often see touted in infomercials and on the
internet. Is there anything “special” about these workouts? Do you think it’s
worth the money to invest in one?
Answer: That’s a good question. I have a few friends that have
followed P90X and some other popular programs as well. Here are my thoughts.
Many of these programs are just practical adaptations of some of the latest and
greatest fitness research, often coupled with some traditional exercise
equipment. Add an expert with a vibrant personality, and you’ve got a recipe
for a successful program. Do these types of programs work? Sure, if you follow
the program, stay committed, and push yourself (though the expert is usually
pretty good at that, too). That said, I wouldn’t say there’s anything “special”
about them. Many (but not all) are simply spin-offs of Body Pump, with some
high-intensity interval training thrown in for good measure. This type of
training works well regardless of whether you follow a structured program or
not. Plus, I would argue that a certified personal trainer at your local health
club could design a better workout for you, simply because it’s personalized. They’ll
take into account your personal health statistics, fitness level, time constraints,
and many other variables. And they’ll be there with you through it all—in person!
So, is it worth the money to purchase one of these programs? It might be, but
your success really depends much more on you, and how dedicated you are to reaching
your goals.
About the
author: Kelsey Garka is the club owner
at Anytime Fitness in Monroe,
WA. To submit a question for
future articles, please contact the author at