Sunday, December 2, 2012

Are you eating well?

Lets face it. You can work your butt off at the gym but if you dont have your diet right - losing that extra 15 might seem impossible.

To see how your current food choices match up with healthy eating answer the following ten questions below and note your responses. Instead of an exact rating or score, you will reice a broad view of the way you cook and eat.

How many servings of vegetables do you eat in a normal day? (a serving is 2 cups

  • A: Four or more
  • B: Two or Three
  • C: One or None

How many servings of fruit do you eat in a normal day? ( a serving is one small piece i.e. an apple)
  • A: Three or more
  • B: Two
  • C: One
How often does fish appear on your weekly menu? 
  • A: Two or more times
  • B: Once
  • C: Rarely or never
When you shop for bread, pasta and rice, how often do you purchase whole grains? 
  • A: Always
  • B: Sometimes
  • C: rarely / never / what is whole grain
Which of the following are you most likely to use?
  • A: Canola or olive oil
  • B: Corn oil
  • C: Butter or margarine
How often during a normal week do you eat out (Hamburgers / pizza)? 
  • A: Not more than once
  • B: Two or three times
  • C: Four or more times
A dinner of 2 cups of cooked pasta in tomato sauce is how many servings? 
  • A: four
  • B: not sure
  • C: one
What kind of milk do you usually drink? 
  • A: fat free or soy
  • B: 1 or 2 percent
  • C: whole milk or none
What are you most likely to reach for when you are thirsty? 
  • A: water
  • B: fruit juice
  • C: regular soda
What is your usual snack? 
  • A: Nuts, fruit, or veggie sticks (carrots / celery)
  • B: energy bars or other "healthy" snacks
  • C: potato chips, pretzels or cookies

If you count mostly A's among your answers... Congratulations! You are well on your way to healthy eating.

B's / C's:
I you count mostly B's and C's your diet could use a tune up. See below to read about some easy steps to kick start you to eating more healthy! You can also click recipes ----> this will direct you to many healthy, fun and creative recipes!



Don't worry, you don't need to turn your life upside down to eat better! A few simple changes can and will make a HUGE difference!

  1. Have at least one serving of fruit at each meal and another as a snack during the day. 
  2. Switch from low fiber breakfast cereal to a lower sugar and higher fiber alternative. 
  3. Lighten your milk by moving down one step in fat content... Move from whole milk to 2% or 2% to nonfat.
  4. Cook with olive oil, canola or other vegetable oils instead of butter or margarine whenever you can. 
  5. Choose whole grains - when cooking and baking!
  6. Include at least two vegetables servings at lunch.
  7. Have at least two vegetables at dinner. 
  8. Have fish as a main course at least twice a week.
  9. Serve fresh fruit as dessert. 
  10. Replace high-calorie beverages (soda) with water, iced tea or unsweetened fruit juice.

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